300767376 1293245244747892 8440169092567672054 n

Positions Available At Capilano River RV Park

300767376 1293245244747892 8440169092567672054 n


Capilano River RV Park
The Cleaner is a Casual position based at Capilano River RV Park in West Vancouver, BC on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Sḵw̱xwú7mesh (Squamish) Nation and its people. You will be working towards generating wealth and prosperity for the people of the Squamish Nation.
300767376 1293245244747892 8440169092567672054 n

Maintenance Worker

Capilano River RV Park
The Maintenance Worker is a Casual position based at Capilano River RV Park in West Vancouver, BC on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Sḵw̱xwú7mesh (Squamish) Nation and its people. You will be working towards generating wealth and prosperity for the people of the Squamish Nation.

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