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Leveraging Digital Technology for Indigenous Business Growth: Nch’ḵay̓’s Vision

Digital Technology

In today’s business landscape, digital technology has become an indispensable tool for growth and competitiveness. Entrepreneurs and organizations of every scale are constantly looking for ways to leverage technology, improve efficiency, and drive innovation. These benefits not only translate to tangible economic gains, but also create a well-connected and high-performing business ecosystem. 

Amid the rapid pace of technological advancements, businesses worldwide must adapt to remain competitive and relevant. The same holds true for Indigenous businesses, and Nch’ḵay̓ is working diligently to ensure that the Squamish Nation business community is well-positioned to harness the benefits of modern technology. Through the provision of resources, training, and infrastructure, Nch’ḵay̓ drives the adoption and integration of digital solutions for the Squamish Nation.

As the economic development arm of the Squamish Nation, Nch’ḵay̓ recognizes the importance of harnessing the power of digital technology and commits to equipping Indigenous businesses with the tools and support they need to thrive in the digital era. This article will explore Nch’ḵay̓’s vision for leveraging digital technology to drive growth and prosperity within the Squamish Nation. We will examine their initiatives in promoting digital literacy, developing technology infrastructure, and incorporating digital innovations into Indigenous-owned businesses. 

Digital Literacy: The Key to Technology Adoption in Indigenous Businesses

A strong understanding of digital technology is crucial for successful adaptation and integration within businesses. Nch’ḵay̓ places a high value on promoting digital literacy among Squamish Nation entrepreneurs to empower them with the knowledge and confidence needed to capitalize on the opportunities presented by modern technology. Key initiatives in fostering digital literacy include:

1. Training Programs and Workshops: Providing access to a range of learning resources that cater to different skill levels, allowing entrepreneurs to develop digital competencies and stay informed on emerging technologies.

2. Mentorship and support: Connecting Indigenous businesses with experienced professionals and mentors who can offer guidance throughout their digital transformation journey.

3. Collaboration and Networking: Encouraging entrepreneurs to learn from each other’s experiences, share insights, and collaborate on creative digital solutions.

Building a Robust Digital Infrastructure for Indigenous Businesses

In order to fully harness the potential of digital technology, businesses need access to stable and reliable digital infrastructure. Nch’ḵay̓ is committed to investing in robust infrastructure that supports the seamless integration of technology in Indigenous enterprises. Key elements of building a solid digital infrastructure involve:

1. Expanding High-Speed Internet Access: Ensuring adequate broadband coverage throughout Squamish Nation territory, enabling businesses to capitalize on e-commerce, collaboration tools, and various digital services.

2. Supporting Enterprise-Level Technology Solutions: Facilitating the adoption and implementation of digital platforms, tools, and software designed to boost productivity, streamline processes, and improve overall business performance.

3. Investing in Cybersecurity: Ensuring the protection of Indigenous-owned companies from digital threats, while fostering a culture of awareness and readiness against potential cyber risks.

Encouraging the Adoption of Innovative Digital Business Solutions

For Indigenous businesses to stay ahead of the curve, it is crucial to incorporate innovative digital solutions in their operations. By advocating for the exploration and implementation of cutting-edge technologies, Nch’ḵay̓ aims to enhance the competitiveness of Squamish Nation entrepreneurs. Ways to promote digital innovation within Indigenous businesses include:

1. Exploring Data-Driven Decision-Making: Encouraging the use of data analytics and AI-powered tools to derive deeper insights, allowing for better-informed strategic decisions and enhanced business outcomes.

2. Embracing E-commerce Strategies: Supporting businesses in navigating the world of e-commerce, opening up new revenue streams and expanding their customer reach beyond the local community.

3. Cloud Computing and Remote Work: Facilitating the adoption of cloud services and remote work solutions to improve collaboration, lower overhead costs, and deliver an array of digital services against the backdrop of a globalized business environment.

Celebrating Indigenous Culture and Values through Digital Media

Digital technology also offers platforms for promoting Indigenous culture, values, and stories on a much larger scale. Nch’ḵay̓ aims to leverage these platforms as a way to educate, connect, and preserve Squamish Nation heritage. Initiatives to celebrate Indigenous culture through digital media include:

1. Social Media Campaigns and Branding: Encouraging Indigenous entrepreneurs to curate a strong online presence and leverage social media platforms to showcase their culture, products, services, and narratives.

2. Empowering Indigenous Content Creators: Supporting local talents in the areas of film, photography, music, and the arts, as they harness the power of digital platforms to share their creations and tell their stories.

3. Advancing Indigenous Representation: Advocating for greater representation within the broader digital technology landscape, inspiring the next generation of Indigenous technologists, entrepreneurs, and creators.


Emerging digital technologies present various opportunities for Indigenous-owned businesses to evolve, innovate, and prosper. Nch’ḵay̓ is dedicated to ensuring that Squamish Nation entrepreneurs are well-equipped to seize these opportunities and create a lasting impact within their communities. By promoting digital literacy, building capable infrastructure, driving innovation, and celebrating Indigenous culture through digital media, Nch’ḵay̓ is laying the groundwork for a dynamic and technology-driven Indigenous economy.

As technology continues to advance at breakneck speed, it is essential for the Indigenous business community to stay agile, adaptive, and forward-thinking. Nch’ḵay̓ is playing a pivotal role in driving digital transformation within the Squamish Nation, preparing businesses for both the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Stay connected with us and keep up-to-date on our efforts to empower the Squamish Nation entrepreneurs through digital technology. Subscribe to our blog today and become part of our community working towards a more inclusive, innovative, and prosperous future!
